Board & Management Actions
- PWC2006.01: Resolution of the Public Works Commission of the City of Fayetteville, North Carolina to direct the Property Acquisition for and Construction of Four Stormwater Projects in the Little Cross Creek Water Supply Watershed
- PWC2006.02: Certificate of Resolutions of the Public Works Commission of the City of Fayetteville
- PWC2006.03: Resolution of the Public Works Commission Concerning the Purchase and Sale of Electrical Energy to Meet the Requirements of the Day to Day Generation and Power Supply Operations
- PWC2006.04: Resolution of the Public Works Commission of the City of Fayetteville, North Carolina Declaring its intention to Reimburse Itself from the Proceeds of One or More Tax Exempt Financings for Certain Expenditures made and to be Made in Connection With the Construction of Certain Capital Improvements
- PWC2006.05: Resolution of the Public Works Commission of the City of Fayetteville, North Carolina Establishing an Annexation Phase V – Project 1 Capital Project Fund
- PWC2006.06: Resolution of the Public Works Commission of the City of Fayetteville Establishing the Fort Bragg Interim Water Service Project Fund
- PWC2005.01: Resolution to Support Municipal Power Systems to Provide Commun. Svcs as Allowed by Other Utility Systems
- PWC2005.02: Resolution to Support the Expansion and Availability of Elect. Trans. Fac. to Support Open Access and Wholesale Competition
- PWC2005.03: Resolution to Establish the Water and Wastewater Utility Systems Rate Stabilization Fund
- PWC2005.04: Certificate of Resolution of the PWC of the CoF
- PWC2005.05: Resolution to Establish the PWC Fleet Maintenance Internal Service Fund
- PWC2005.06: Resolution Award PWC of the CoF CC WRF Paving Improvements State Revolving Loan
- PWC2005.07: Resolution Approving the Financing Team for, and Making the Findings and Determinations Req. by the NC LGC Regarding the Iss. of PWC Revenue . . .
- PWC2005.08: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF Authorizing Electronic Advertisement of Bids
- PWC2005.09: Resolution Approv. the Issuance of the PWC Rev. Notes, Series 2005 of the CoF Approv. the Form of the Note Resolution Adopted . .
- PWC2004.01: Resolution of the PWC to Amend the PWC of the CoF Medical Reimbursement Plan and Authorize Execution by PWC Officials
- PWC2004.02: Resolution Designating Authorized Signers of the PWC of the CoF Checks and Drafts andUse of Facsimile Signatures
- PWC2004.03: Resolution Requesting Financial Assist. from NC in Support of Updating and Recalibrating the CFR Hydrologic Model
- PWC2004.04: Certificate of Adoption of Resolutions Appointment Plan Administrator
- PWC2004.05: Resolution Requesting the CoF to Direct the Filing of an Appli. for Approval by LGC of an Install. Financing Agrmt to Finance Impr. to Its Water Sys.
- PWC2004.06: Certificate of Resolutions of the PWC of the CoF
- PWC2004.07: Certificate of Resolutions of the PWC of the CoF
- PWC2004.08: Resolution Approving and Agreeing to the Terms and Provisions of That Certain Supplemental Bond Order, Adopted . . .Authorizing the Execution
- PWC2003.01: Certificate of Resolutions of the PWC of the CoF – Approval of Amt of Assets to be Transf. from the Retirement Plan to the Supple. Plan
- PWC2003.02: Certificate of Resolutions of the PWC of the CoF – Adoption of LGERS Effective April 1, 2003
- PWC2003.03: Certificate of Resolutions of the PWC of the CoF – Adoption of Tax Sheltering Provision on Employee Contri to LGERS Eff. April 1, 2003
- PWC2003.04: Resolution Req. the CC Recommend the LGC Appr. the Financing Team in Connection with the Iss. of Proposed CoF PWC Tax Ex. Rev. Bonds
- PWC2003.05: Certificate of Resolutions of the PWC of the CoF
- PWC2003.06: Resolution of Award PWC of the CoF Rockfish Cfreek WRF Phase II Exp. and Cross Creek WRF Improve. Proj. State Rev. Loan
- PWC2003.07: Resolution Authorizing the Vice Chairman to Assume the Duties and Responsibilities of Chairman in Chairman’s Absence
- PWC2003.08: Resolution of Support for the CFR Basin Water Resource Mgmt. Proposal
- PWC2003.09: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF Declaring its Intention to Reimburse Itself from the Proceeds of One or More Tax Exempt Financings for . . .
- PWC2003.10: Resolution Appr. the Financing Team for, and Making the Findings and Determ. Req. by the NC LGC with Respect To, the Iss. of PWC Var. Rate Rev . Bonds . . .
- PWC2003.11: Resolution Appr. and Agree. to the Terms and Provisions of That Certain Bond Order Author. the Iss. of PWC Var. Rate Revenue and Revenue Refunding Bonds . . .
- PWC2003.12: Resolution of Award – PWC of the CoF Standby Power Facilities for Rockfish Creek WRF and Cross Creek WRF Contract 2D . . .
- PWC2003.13: Resolution of Award – PWC of the CoF Standby Power Fac. fo Rockfish Creek WRF and CC WRF Contract 2E . . .
- PWC2003.14: Resolution Req. the CoF to Direct the Filing of an Applic. for Appr. by LGC of an Installment Financing Agrmnt to Finance Improv. to its Water Sys.
- PWC2003.15: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF Establishing an Electric Series 2003A Rev. Bond CPF and a W-WW 2003A Rev. Bond CPF
- PWC2003.16: Resolution to Delegate Authority to Determine Personal Property as Surplus . . .
- PWC2003.17: Resolution to Contract with GovDeals for the Utilization of an Internet-Based Auction System to Dispose of Surplus Personal Property
- PWC2002.01: Resolution of Support for the CFR Basin WR Management Proposal
- PWC2002.02: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF to Direct the Filing of an Appli. for a State Loan under the NC Clean Water . .
- PWC2002.03: Certificate of Resolution of the PWC of the CoF
- PWC2002.04: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF Declaring its Intention to Reimburse Itself from the Proceeds . . .
- PWC2002.05: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF to Accept a State Loan Offer for WW Treatment Works Project
- PWC2002.06: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF Establishing an Annexation Phase IV-B CPF and to Amend . . .
- PWC2002.07: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF to Establish a 2002 State Revolving Loan CPF
- PWC2002.08: Resolution Req the CC Recommend the LGC Approve the Financing Team in Connection with the Issuance of a Proposed . . .
- PWC2002.09: Resolution Approving and Recommending to the CC of the CoF the Financing Team for and Making Findings . .
- PWC2002.10: Certificate of Resolutions of the PWC of the CoF
- PWC2002.11: Resolution Approving the Financing Team for and Making the Findings and Determinations Required by the NCLGC . . .
- PWC2002.12: Resolution Approving and Agreeing to the Terms and Provisions of that Certain Bond . . .
- PWC2001.01: Resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Items
- PWC2001.02: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF Establishig a Water and Sewer Utilities Annex. Res. Fund
- PWC2001.03: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF Establishing an Annexation Phase IV CPF
- PWC2001.04: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF to Establish a State Revolving Loan CPF
- PWC2001.05: Resolution Approving and Recommending to the CC of the CoF the Financing Team . . .
- PWC2001.06: Resolution Approving and Agreeing to the Terms and Provisions . . . Certain Bond Order Author. the Issuance of PWC Revenue Ref. Bond Series 2001 . . .
- PWC2001.07: Resolution Approving a Water Supply Plan for the PWC of the CoF
- PWC2001.08: Resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Items
- PWC2001.10: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF to Direct the Filing of an Appli. for a State Loan . . .
- PWC2001.11: Resolution of Support for Greater Fayetteville Futures by the PWC of the CoF
- PWC2001.12: Resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Items
- PWC2000.01: Resolution f the PWC of the CoF Authorizing the PWC Mgr . . . to Submit Proposals to the US Army . .
- PWC2000.02: Certificate of Resolutions of the PWC of the CoF
- PWC2000.03: Certificate of Resolutions of the PWC of the CoF
- PWC2000.04: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF Authorizing the PWC GM to Executive Standard Encroachment Agrmts wi the NC Dept. of Transp.
- PWC2000.05: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF Authorizing the PWC GM to Execute Standard Water and Sewer Ext. Agrmnts with Extenders
- PWC2000.06: Resolution Authorizing Disposal of Surplus Items
- PWC2000.07: Certificate of Resolutions of the PWC of the CoF
- PWC2000.08: Resolution of the PWC of the CoF Authorizing the PWC GM to Sign for Execution Any and All Agrmnts Rel. to the PWC Defined Contri. Plan and Trust
- PWC2000.09: Certificate of Resolutions of the PWC of the CoF
- PWC2000.10: Resolution Endorsing the Need for a Public Hearing in Fayetteville Concerning CFR Basin Interbasin Transf. Proposals
- PWC-1999.01: Resolution Authorizing Surplus Land to be Sold by CoF
- PWC-1999.02: Resolution to Accept a State Loan Offer for WWT Works Projects under the NC . . .
- PWC-1999.03: Resolution to Amend the Electric Utility System Rate Stabilization Fund
- PWC-1999.04: Resolution to Reimburse from Proceeds of One or More Tax Exempt Financings . . .
- PWC-1999.05: Resolution in Support of SB801 and HB1383
- PWC-1999.06: Resolution Supporting the Nomination of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railway Depot Project . . .
- PWC-1999.07: Resolution Authorizing Disposal of Surplus Items
- PWC-1999.08: Resolution Regarding Designation Applicant’s Agent
- PWC-1999.09: Resolution Authorizing the Filing of an Application for Approval of the Issuance of Revenue. Bonds, Series 1999 . . .
- PWC-1999.10: Resolution Approving and Agreeing to Terms of City Bond Order Authorizing the Issuance of Revenue Bonds, Series 1999 and . . .
- PWC-1999.11: Resolution Requesting the CC Recommend the LGC to Approve the Financing Team in Connection with . . . Revenue Bond Series 1999
- PWC-1999.12: Resolution Declaring 508 Person Street and Designated Land Area as Surplus and Authorizes CoF to Sale
- PWC1998.01: Resolution Authorizing Disposal of Surplus Items
- PWC1998.02: Resolution Supporting a Restructuring Methodology Establishing a Transition Period to Allow for Rec. of Stranded Costs
- PWC1998.03: Resolution Authorizing Disposal of Surplus Items
- PWC1998.04: Resolution Establishing an Electric Utility System Rate Stabilization Fund
- PWC1998.05: Resolution Authorizing Disposal of Surplus Items
- PWC1998.06: Resolution to Direct the Filing of an Appl. for a State Loan . . .
- PWC1998.07: Resolution Authorizing Disposal of Surplus Items
- PWC1998.08: To Dissolve the Water and Sewer Utilities CRF and to Trasfer Accum. Funds to a CPF
- PWC1997.01: Resolution Authorizing Disposal of Personal Property
- PWC1997.02: Resolution Authorizing Disposal of Material Kept on Commission Inventory System
- PWC1997.03: Authorizing Disposal of Surplus Items
- PWC1997.04: Resolution Req. City Council Recommend the LGC to Approve the Financing . . .
- PWC1997.05: Resolution Authorizing the Disposal of Surplus Items
- PWC1997.06: Resolution Authorizing the Filing of an Appl. for Approval of Revenue Bonds, Series 1997 . . .
- PWC1997.07: Resolution Authorizing the Filing of an Appl. for Approval of Revenue Bonds, Series 1997 . . .
- PWC1996.01: Resolution Regarding PWC Employees Serving on the Board of Directors of ElectriCities NC
- PWC1996.02: Resolution to Establish a Wachovia Commercial Card Account
- PWC1996.03: Resolution Establishing the PWC Uptown Revitalization Fund
- PWC1996.04: Resolution Designating MJ Noland as PWC’s Official Agent before the US Dept. of Agr. and the NC Dept. of Agri.
- PWC1996.05: Resolution Disposing of Old Wilmington Road Property
- PWC1996.06: Resolution Authorizing Disposal of Surplus Personal Property at Public Auction
- PWC1996.07: Resolution Designating Applicant Agent
- PWC1996.08: Resolution Declaring Intention to Reimburse from One or More Tax-Exempt Financings by the CoF . . .
- PWC1995.01: Resolution Making Certain Findings and Authorizing and Directing the Officers and Employees to Take Action . . . Revenue Bonds
- PWC1995.02: Authorizing the Creation of an Addit. Construction Contingency for the 1995 Project.
- PWC1995.03: Resolution Declaring Property as Surplus
- PWC1995.04: Resolution Approving and Agreeing to the Terms of City Bond Order Authorizing the Issuance of PWC Rev. Bonds, Series 1995 . . .
- PWC1995.05: Resolution in Support of SB 454 and HB 525 to Appropriate Funds for the CFR Program
- PWC1995.06: Resolution Authorizing and Directing the Officers and Employees Take Action in Connection with Filing an Amend. to Appl. . . Rev. Bonds, Series 1995A . . .
- PWC1995.07: Resolution Approv. and Agreeing to Terms of City Bond Order Author. the Issuance of Revenue Bonds, Series 1995A . . .
- PWC1995.08: Establishment and Maintenance of the PWC Water and Sewer Utilities CRF
- PWC1995.09: Establishment and Maintenance of the PWC Admin. Bldg CRF
- PWC1995.10: Certificate of Resolutions of the PWC City of Fayetteville
- PWC1995.11: Authority to Execute Contracts
- PWC1995.12: Resolution Approving PWC Board Members to Become Members of ElectriCities Board