Start Saving Now for Summer

Don’t wait for summer to kick in to high gear before you take action. Your hometown utility would like to share a few tips for you to help save money this year on your heating and water bill.

Water Conservation

Check your backflow and rain sensor on your irrigation system for leaks before you turn it on for the season. A small leak can quickly become a big headache, and a drain on your wallet. If you don’t have a rain sensor, consider getting one. It can save you money in the long run as well as prevent overwatering your plants. PWC offers a program that provides a credit on your bill if you install a rain sensor, learn more about the program here.

Don’t forget to check outside faucets are turned off after watering plants and flowers.

Energy Conservation

A/C Unit

One of the biggest energy hungry devices is the A/C unit. Making sure that it is clean and in proper working order can have a big impact on your energy bill. A few simple steps like changing the air filters on a regular basis, cleaning dirt and debris off the coils, using a “fin comb”, clearing the condensate drains, and following the manufacturers recommended maintenance schedule can help you running cool all summer long. Visit the EPA’s website for more tips on ways to save with your A/C system. You can also save on your electricity bill by turning the temperature to 78° and reduce the strain on the system. You save 3% to 5 % on your air conditioning cost for each degree you raise the thermostat.

  • Install a programmable thermostat. Make sure it is programmed to automatically turn down the heating or cooling when you are not home and when you’re sleeping.
  • Use ceiling fans. They make people feel about four-degrees cooler than the actual temperature.
  • Cover your waterbed. It may cause as much electricity as your refrigerator. To save more than 30% of that cost, make the bed routinely and cover it with a comforter.
  • Turn off ceiling fans when you are not in the room. The fans cool you, not the air.
  • Reverse the ceiling fan motor in summer.
  • Use the “Auto Fan” setting.
  • Buy an Energy Star air conditioner. It can save you up to 10% over one that doesn’t have the label. However, have an air conditioning technician or energy auditor determine the right size unit for the space.

PWC has a webpage with a whole host of energy conservation tips useful year-round.

Time of Use

Help maximize your savings by taking advantage of summer Time of Use rates. Save your energy hungry tasks, such as washing laundry or running the dishwasher, to not be during peak hours which is on weekdays from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.