TOU Summer Peak Hours Start Apr. 1

Summer Peak Hours: 3pm-7pm, Weekdays
Peak hours for electric customers change to the afternoon beginning April 1 and will run through October. Peak hours are 3pm-7pm weekdays. During this time of year is when energy demand is at its highest and costs the most. Shifting use on weekdays to Off-Peak hours (20 hours each weekday and
all weekend) will save you 35%.
For energy use during Peak times, here are some tips to help you save money by reducing your usage.
Heating and cooling account for a large portion of your electric use:
- Turn your thermostat up in warm weather
- Minimize the use of appliances (especially heat generating like ovens)
- Use fans to make the temperature feel around 4° cooler
Water heaters are the next highest energy user:
- Use cold water settings for laundry
- If you take showers during Peak hours, shorten your time in the shower
In General:
- Wash and dry laundry and run your dishwasher during Off-Peak hours
- Consider purchasing “smart” appliances
- Take showers/baths during Off-Peak hours
Take advantage of our PWC Incentive Programs to help with Time-of-Use and Beat the Peak!