PWC Helps Make Renewable, Doable

With the summer sun beating down, you might be thinking of installing solar panels to help lower your energy cost. Whether you are a homeowner wanting to install solar panels, or a renter looking to participate in the community solar program, PWC puts the “able” in “Renewable”.
Depending on the size of your solar panels, PWC offers two ways to receive credits on your monthly energy bill. If your solar array can generate 10kW or less, there is the “Renewable Energy Buy Back” option to sell excess energy back to PWC. For solar arrays larger than 10 kW, the “Buy All Sell All” option will keep you connected and reaping the rewards on your investment all year long.
If you choose to install roof-top solar, work with a reputable installer and have the proper electric permits and inspections. Have an interconnection agreement signed with PWC before you connect and start receiving credit for the electricity you are generating. Remember, PWC does not partner with solar installation companies. Be wary of sales pitches claiming to have exclusive deals with PWC.
Finally, for renters or customers unable to have solar panels on their home, PWC offers a community solar program. PWC electric customers who choose to subscribe to the service pay a monthly fee to support the maintenance and operations of the solar farm in exchange for a monthly bill credit based on the amount of energy generated by the solar farm.
For more information on the different ways to go solar with PWC, visit