So, What Exactly is Stormwater?

We often talk about water services, but did you know there’s a significant difference between stormwater and wastewater? That’s right, these are two separate entities managed by different teams, dedicated to protecting our environment and public health. Wastewater is any water that has been used in your home or business that will be treated before it’s returned to the environment. PWC is your go-to for all things wastewater.

On the flip side, when rain falls, this stormwater rushes over roofs, streets, and lawns, collecting debris and pollutants. The City of Fayetteville Stormwater Division steps in to manage this water, preventing pollution and erosion through effective storm drain services. Each drop plays a role in the bigger water cycle of our hometown.

Watch this video to learn more about the difference between stormwater and wastewater. 

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