Using Space Heaters? Don’t Get Burned!
If using space heaters this winter, be mindful of the costs and safety of using this portable heat. Compared to baseboard heaters and central heating, space heaters offer a compact and portable heating solution. There is a catch though, heating your home with electric space heaters can easily double or triple your electric bill if you are not careful. Even though they are small, and often touted as 100% efficient, electric space heaters use a lot of electricity.
Here are some other tips for using a space heater efficiently and safely:
- Don’t leave your space heater unattended. It’s a dangerous waste of money to heat a room you aren’t occupying.
- Monitor room temperature on your own. Most space heaters don’t come equipped with thermostats or adjustable temperature controls – even if they do, they’re rarely accurate. Use a separate thermometer to track the temperature in your room to avoid overheating it.
- It isn’t efficient to run a space heater in a giant living room with lofted ceilings – the heat will dissipate too quickly. Instead, use them in small areas that can be closed off to retain heat.
- Some space heaters warm the air while others heat the surfaces directly in front of them. Decide where and how you’re going to use a space heater and buy the best option for that application.
- Don’t double up on heating costs. If you’re using a space heater because your bedroom is too cold at night, consider turning down the thermostat on your central heating overnight so you’re not doubling up on heating costs.
If you’re having trouble keeping your home warm in the winter, take the time to consider more permanent fixes for heat conservation before you buy an army of space heaters. Something as simple as weatherstripping or changing your furnace filter more regularly can increase energy efficiency.