PWC Meter Replacement Program


PWC is always looking for innovative ways to improve customer service and increase efficiency. Our Replacement Metering Project will do just that by replacing old meters with new Advanced Meters. This will enable us to provide a higher level of service and quicker response times. For you, this means a number of benefits including: greater reliability, enhanced customer service and, in the future, innovative tools that will help you save money, energy, and water.

Apex CoVantage, the approved metering service providers for PWC, will upgrade the electric and water meters in your area. Apex workers are required to visibly display their ID badges at all times.

Each meter replacement will take about 1-5 minutes, and your service(s) will go off briefly during installation.

You do not need to be present while the work is being done as long as Apex workers can access your meter. If you are not home at the time of the replacement, a doorhanger will be left to let you know the work is complete or provide you information for scheduling a time when they can access your meter.

For questions about meter installation, please contact the Apex Support Call Center at 1-800-442-3721, Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

*This information is subject to change.