Getting Started with Community Solar

What is Community Solar?

PWC’s Community Solar Program is a large-scale, ground-mount solar array offering PWC electric customers locally generated solar energy. Customers can enroll in the program, pay a monthly subscription fee, and in exchange, receive a bill credit for the value of the solar less the cost to operate.

Who is eligible to subscribe to Community Solar?

Community Solar is available to all active PWC metered retail electric customers. Whether you are a business, non-profit group, household (rented or owned), living in a single-family home, apartment, townhome, or condo – you qualify to subscribe.

How do I enroll in Community Solar?

  • Login to your Online Account Manager and select “Community Solar Enrollment” in the Customer Enrollments section.
  • Once you complete the enrollment application, a PWC Customer Programs Specialist will call you to follow-up.
  • For additional information, contact a Customer Programs Specialist at (910) 223-4950 or email customerprogramscsr@faypwc.com.

How much does it cost to subscribe to Community Solar?

The $1.59 monthly subscription fee is a fixed value over the 25-year life of the solar array. Residential and most non-residential customers may subscribe to a maximum of five (5) solar panels.

Panels Enrollment Fee Monthly Subscription Monthly Bill Credit Avg. Annual Generation
1 $20 $1.53 $1.59 463 kWh
2 $30 $3.06 $3.18 926 kWh
3 $40 $4.59 $4.77  1,389 kWh
4 $50 $6.12 $6.36 1,851 kWh
5 $60 $7.65 $7.95 2,314 kWh

Can I cancel my Community Solar subscription?

A customer may discontinue their subscription at any time. If you decide to return to the program, you will be placed at the bottom of the queue if a waitlist is necessary.

If I move, can I continue to subscribe to PWC’s Community Solar Program?

If you move within the PWC electric service territory, you can transfer your participation to your new location. You can also assign your subscription to the new resident if you provide prior written notice to PWC of the date of transfer. Otherwise, the subscription is terminated, and the panels are then available for other PWC electric customers.

What if I have additional questions about Community Solar?

If you are unsure of eligibility requirements, terms, and conditions, or just have additional questions about Community Solar, please contact a Customer Programs Specialist at (910) 223-4950 or email customerprogramscsr@faypwc.com.