Fayetteville is a public power community and that’s powerful! With PWC as our local, community owned electric system, our community benefits. PWC operates solely for the benefit of its customers who have a voice through local leadership (they’re customers, too!) We’re accountable and responsive to the community, not remote shareholders. Our employees are your friends and […]
READ MORE »If you have a green PWC transformer box (underground electrical transformer), it is important that you DO NOT PLANT anything within 9 feet from the front of the box, and 3 feet from each side. Trees, shrubs and flowers planted too close to our transformer, impedes our line worker’s ability to make repairs and restore […]
READ MORE »Fayetteville PWC received an American Public Power Association Sue Kelly Community Service Award on June 22, 2021, during APPA’s National Conference in Orlando, Florida. The award recognizes “good neighbor” activities that demonstrate our commitment to the community. PWC partnered with the City’s downtown district to bring Prismatica – an interactive, public art installation – to […]
READ MORE »PWC’s On-Going Electric System Maintenance Boosts Reliability 6/1/2021 By Michael Futch PWC continues to bolster its electric distribution system, boosting the utility’s reliability to its tens of thousands of coveted customers with the installation of two new transformers over the last month. The change to the new transformers, which cost $750,000 apiece, are an integral […]
READ MORE »MetroNet has begun a 2-year project installing nearly 1,000 miles of fiber optic infrastructure throughout Fayetteville, Hope Mills and the entire Cumberland County area. Their work will include installing services underground in public rights-of-way (using boring equipment), on utility poles, and private property. MetroNet, their contractors, and/or work are not managed by PWC. The MetroNet […]
READ MORE »PWC announced November 13, 2019 that it has reached an agreement with Duke Energy Progress (DEP) that is expected to result in over $300 million of savings for PWC customers and modifies the current PWC-DEP wholesale power supply agreement that could have ended in 2024. By amending the agreement, it provides both savings and long-term […]
READ MORE »PWC held a ribbon cutting ceremony October 23, 2019 to announce the operation of North Carolina’s first municipal community solar project. Community Solar is a customer program that provides an alternative to roof-top solar for customers who want to participate in renewable energy without the expense or effort of installing roof-top solar, including customers who […]
READ MORE »Fayetteville will host lineworkers from cities throughout the state as the North Carolina Association of Municipal Electric Systems (NCAMES) Lineworker Rodeo is held on Thursday, May 16 at the Military Business Park in Fayetteville. Over 100 electric system lineworkers from across the state, including PWC lineworkers, will compete and showcase their skills in building electric […]
READ MORE »PWC has implemented Time-of-Use Rates for residential and small commercial electric customers. Click HERE for more information
READ MORE »Thursday, January 18, 2018 Fayetteville Prevails in Quest to Protect Future Water Supply; Agreement Reached in Interbasin Transfer Decision After two-and-a-half years of litigation, PWC and the City of Fayetteville have prevailed in securing Fayetteville and other downstream users of the Cape Fear River Basin a guaranteed return of water to the Basin from […]
READ MORE »Click here for more information on backflow prevention assembly testing
READ MORE »Darsweil Rogers, Public Works Commission Chairman on behalf of the PWC Board In the Fayetteville Observer’s June 1 editorial about efforts to revise the Public Works Commission Charter, we agree that the City Council and PWC should have good discussions about the potential revisions and present a revised Charter to our local delegation that has […]
READ MORE »Monday, May 23, 2016 PWC Chairman Darsweil Rogers and Fayetteville Mayor Nat Robertson have released a joint public statement in response to Judge Allen Baddour’s ruling in PWC’s request for Declaratory Ruling with regard to the roles and responsibilities of the PWC Commission. “This has been a very detailed and complicated issue and Judge Baddour […]
READ MORE »Moody’s Investors Service has raised the bond rating for the Public Works Commission of the City of Fayetteville from ‘Aa3‘ to ‘Aa2’ on PWC’s $150 million outstanding revenue bonds. According to the Moody Report, the Aa2 rating and stable outlook is based on PWC’s continued healthy financial operations with sound fiscal practices, the strong debt […]
READ MORE »Monthly 1,4 Dioxane Results PWC 1,4 Dioxane Testing Results-P.O. Hoffer Water Treatment Facility For information on 1, 4 Dioxane: Jason Green, Water Treatment Facility Manager (910) 223-4710 Additional Information Settlement Reached to Protect Cape Fear Basin Water Quality Annual Water Quality Report (pdf) 1, 4 Dioxane Questions and Answers (video) Water Quality & Treatment – The Facts […]
READ MORE »Oct 16, 2014 PWC to Ask Court to Clarify Duties & Responsibilities The Fayetteville Public Works Commission, an independent body that manages the electric, water and wastewater utilities for 112,000 customers, will ask a court to issue a declaratory ruling that clarifies its duties and responsibilities. The goal of the filing is to eliminate any […]
READ MORE »Jan. 16, 2015PWC Official Statement about City Council proposed changes to Charter “From the beginning, PWC Commissioners have sought to clarify the roles and responsibilities outlined by the NC General Assembly in the original charter. The legislature intentionally created a separate, independent board to manage the utility and that model has worked well for the […]