EV Rates

PWC is committed to reducing the impact of demand charges and providing a low energy rate that facilitates your EV charging. Charging your vehicle during off-peak hours, when the rate is lower, can help you reduce electric consumption during more costly billing hours.

You can see which rate may benefit you by using our EV Rate Calculator and call 910-483-1382 to speak with a PWC representative to request to participate in our Whole Home electric rate if you’d like to opt in.


  • Before installing charging equipment at your residence, contact ev@faypwc.com to ensure there is sufficient electrical capacity at the service location for safe and reliable service.
  • PWC offers optional Whole Home/Whole Business rates that feature a super Off-Peak rate daily from 9:00 p.m.-5:00 a.m.  Customers who sign up for the rate, pay a higher basic facility charge and On-Peak rate and their super Off-Peak rate is 44-47% lower than off peak rates. 
    • The Whole Home rate may be the most beneficial to Electric Vehicle owners who can charge their vehicle at home and drive at least 16 miles a day/480 miles a month.  
    • There’s a Super Off-Peak rate for all Small Power customers or a Medium Coincident Peak rate for Medium Power customers with demand over 150kW. These optional rates may be beneficial to businesses or multi-family units with managed Level 2 EV charging or if you have public, workplace, or fleet-managed EV charging. Please contact ev@faypwc.com if you are interested in PWC’s Whole Business rate or want to see if you qualify for PWC’s optional Medium Coincident Peak rate.
  • PWC’s most expensive residential electricity costs are less than gasoline fuel costs.
  • If you are a fleet operator planning EV adoption, consider managed charging – the use of smart EVSE to control the level of power delivered during a charging period – to adhere to your demand limit.

Review PWC’s TOU rates for additional resources that can help you manage your energy consumption and benefit from lower off-peak rates.